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Your favourite Gerry Anderson series revealed!

Your favourite Gerry Anderson series revealed!

UFOLast week we asked you to vote for your favourite Gerry Anderson series and you did. So we can now reveal whether you prefer Space 1999, UFO or maybe even Terrahawks!


Last week we asked you to vote for your favourite Gerry Anderson series and you did. So we can now reveal whether you prefer Space 1999, UFO or maybe even Terrahawks! We always suspected this would be one of those polls which would be difficult to predict and very close in the votes – and we were right. Very early on Thunderbirds and Space 1999 emerged as clear favourites amongst you and shot ahead of the others. However, it has to be said that UFO and Captain Scarlet came back fighting and very successfully narrow the gap between the top two.



ThunderbirdsThe battle for first place though was always between Space 1999 and Thunderbirds with the gap narrowing all the time and the two alternating between first and second. In the end though with a very small margin it was Thunderbirds who won with 26.2% of the vote – so the adventures of the Tracy family and International Rescue represent your favourite Gerry Anderson series – only just though. With 25.5% of the vote was Space 1999 so only narrowly behind and so close to coming first.


The battle between third and fourth place was hotly fought between UFO and Captain Scarlet with the gap between them narrowing across the week. They were quite far behind the leading two shows but fought back mid week to came very close indeed. In third place with 19.3% of the vote was Captain Scarlet while in fourth place with 19.1% of the vote was UFO. I don’t think we’ve ever had a poll be so close in terms of the votes! Falling in fifth place was Stingray with 6.1% of the vote with Joe 90 claiming 1.5%, Fireball XL5 with 0.9%, ‘Other’ had 0.9% as well and Terrrahawks had just 0.7%!

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