In the second of the new production of the ‘Unforgettable’ strand ITV looks back at the life of popular television prankster Jeremy Beadle.

In the second of the new production of the ‘Unforgettable’ strand ITV looks back at the life of popular television prankster Jeremy Beadle.
Jeremy Beadle was one of the nation’s best loved stars, whose extensive showbiz career will be showcased in this hour long documentary. The show will feature archive footage of the comedy favourite, not only in his best loved TV shows, but in other, less well-known moments from his multi-faceted career. As well as featuring many clips there will be special guest interviews from co-stars, family members and friends which reveal a very different, far more thoughtful man off screen than those who knew him as a mere prankster would have expected.
Jeremy Beadle is best known for series such as Game for a Laugh and Beadle’s About. Both shows home to his hidden camera stunts. As well as presenting, Jeremy also wrote many TV formats including the hugely successful You’ve Been Framed! – which he also presented.
ATV Today’s Mike Watkins watched the Jeremy Beadle edition and tells us: “It will open a few eyes of people who foolishly believed everything the gutter press said about Beadle over the years.
“The papers tried to make him into some kind of hate figure and while they were spreading poison and being destructive Jeremy was busy raising millions for charity. It’s a well-produced documentary charting his early years through to the heights of being one of ITV’s biggest Saturday night stars and collecting an MBE for his services to charity.
“The documentary also looks at the man behind the stunts and how Jeremy was actually a very intellectual man with his vast library of publications, full of facts and figures. Its closing moments were quite moving as the family discuss Jeremy’s untimely demise at just 59 years old in 2008.
“Contributors include his Game For A Laugh co-stars Henry Kelly and Matthew Kelly as well as friends such Chris Tarrant and the man who sacked him from You’ve Been Framed! only to replace him with a substandard former Emmerdale actress. That alone may give a clue to who it is, yes the ex-Granada executive who put ITV in the proverbial for years.”
Rating: 10/10, Northern Upstarts could learn a few things from North One productions on how to produce a competent and well-researched documentary. Top Marks.