This Weeks Poll: Best TV Detective
To celebrate the launch of the latest spin on Sherlock Holmes we’re asking you, this week, to vote for the Best TV Detective. Now the Detective Genre is littered with endless possibly choices from the likes of Sherlock himself all the way down to Inspector Jack Frost and Peter Boyd. As there are so many possible Detectives to feature on our list we’ve had to produce a short list – but don’t worry because if your choice isn’t on the list you can still vote for him!
Simply use the “other” selection on our poll and then reply to this read with the name of your other selection. All votes cast, be it via the poll or replies to this article, will be counted.
Sherlock Holmes (Books, Plays, Films, TV Series’)
As we are conducting this poll because of the launch of Sherlock, on BBC One, it seems only fair to start with the infamous Victorian detective himself. Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the character has become a prime example of the private detective down the years and his continuing popularity ensures he remains an icon. The character featured in several novels and short stories by Conan Doyle, perhaps most famously The Hounds of the Baskervilles. Down the years there’s been a fair few actors to take on the role such as Basil Rathbone, Ronald Howard, Jeremy Brett, Robert Downey Jr and now, in the new BBC series, Benedict Cumberbatch.
Inspector Jack Frost (Novels/Television Series)
The television series is based on the series of novels, titled Frost, by R.D Wingfield and now the role of Inspector Frost is just one of several that actor David Jason is associated with. Having successfully shaken off the “Del Boy” image, thanks partly to his role as Frost, the series proved hugely popular with audiences and only ended its run earlier this year. After many years in the role Jason decided it was time to call to an end Frost’s detective days. While the series does have its comic elements – the relationship between Frost and his superior, Mullet (Bruce Alexander) – it’s got a grittier edge than perhaps some would expect from a Jason drama. In all 42 episodes spread across 15 seasons were produced.
Miss Marple (Books, Plays, Films & TV Series)
The first of Agatha Christie’s sleuths to feature in our article and perhaps slightly eclipsed by the most famous Christine creation, and indeed Belgian, Hercule Poirot. Despite being slightly less popular than her Belgian counterpart, Miss Marple is still a favourite of many. An elderly woman who always seems to stumble upon some dastardly plot and is able to deduce who did what and why. The series of novels by Christie had been adapted many times for radio, stage, film and television with the two most obvious examples being the BBC Television series starring Joan Hickson (who was endorsed by Christie) and the current ITV versions originally starring Geraldine McEwan and currently Julia McKenzie. Die-hard fans of Christie’s books though aren’t always impressed by the ITV adaptations which have alerted plots, changed motives and thrown in more than a few lesbian sub-plots.
Inspector Morse (Books, TV Series)
A long-running television series also based on a range of novels – by crime writer Colin Dexter. On television the role of Morse was superbly brought to life by John Thaw who had, up to that point, been best known for his role in The Sweeney. The more gentle role of Morse was different after The Sweeney but one which audiences instantly took too. Together with his sidekick Lewis (Kevin Whately) Morse, in an almost student/teacher relationship, investigated various dirty deeds. The series ended in 2000 and sadly two years later Thaw passed away. However, the spirit of Morse continues to life on in the form of spin-off Lewis which follows Kevin Whately’s character.
Peter Boyd
The ever angry and incredibly loud Peter Boyd is the head of the Cold Case murder squad in the bonkers BBC Drama series Waking the Dead. Wonderfully played by Trevor Eve, Boyd is a character who is constantly on the edge of a breakdown – his shouting, rants and angry outbursts doubtless symptoms of his guilty over the disappearance/death of his son. Add to this that two officers, Mel (Claire Goose) and Stella (Felicite du Jeu) have died under his command and Boyd is one man full of guilt. So far Waking the Dead has run 8 seasons with a 9th planned for next year. During those 8 seasons of bonkers investigations Boyd has bullied, shouted and beaten his way through various investigations breaking various roles and pieces of property – he’s even allowed several of his suspects to be killed! It is though his partnership with the cool and calm Dr Grace Foley (Sue Johnston) that fans really treasure.
Hercule Poirot (Novels, Plays, Films and TV Series)
Agatha Christie’s second, and most famous, sleuth and the most famous person to have come out of Belgian – even if Poirot is fictional. Quite why Poirot became so popular with readers Christie herself was unsure but the character took on a life of his own as readers demanded more and more books featuring the character. Poirot, using his intelligence and investigative skills, caught all kinds of criminals from blackmailers to thieves, murders to frauds. Sometimes aided by his friend Captain Hastings, Poirot wonderfully ignored the English “manners” of the time often to the horror of Hastings. Unsurprising there have been many adaptations of the books over the years but by far the most popular and enduring is the LWT series starring David Suchet in the title role – for many he is the definitive Poirot. The LWT series continues to this day with more adaptations of the novels by Christie with perhaps the most famous, Murder on the Orient Express, amongst those currently being filmed.
Tom Barnaby (Novels, TV Series)
Midsomer Murders, the ITV series, is based on the novels by Caroline Granham and features actor John Nettles as DCI Tom Barnaby – although Nettles has now quit the series and is being replaced by Neil Dudgeon in a new role. The villages of Midsomer are, without a doubt, the most deadliest place to life in the entire UK. Every episode poor DCI Barnaby has to investigate a series of brutally and seemingly motiveless murders trying to work out desperately why so and so was killed – often there isn’t a decent reason, the murders were just plot devices. So far 75 episodes have been produced which means the body count must be in the hundreds by now given every episode usually includes multiple murders! The undertakes in Midsomer must be bloody rich by now!
Want to vote for Kojak, Colombo or Jessica Fletcher but they’re not on our list? Well you still can vote for your favourite detective if they aren’t amongst our short-list. Simply hit the “Other” selection on the poll and hit vote. Then post your “Other” nominated in this article. All replies to this thread, if they are voters, will be included in the final result.