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The Best Joss Whedon series revealed!

The Best Joss Whedon series revealed!

This past week we have been asking you to vote for the Best Joss Whedon series and we now can reveal the winner.


Angel can bite us anytimeThis past week we have been asking you to vote for the Best Joss Whedon series and we now can reveal the winner. With nearly half of the votes, 45.5% of the vote, vampire series Angel came in first. It surprisingly, but only narrowly, beat parent series Buffy the Vampire Slayer to top place. We guess though the series about the hunky vampire stalking the streets of Los Angeles and battling various evils there does it for you. To be fair put us in a lift with Angel or Buffy and we know which one we’d prefer!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer came a very respectable second though and was only below by the narrowest of margins with 44.1% of the vote – just a few more folks and the Slayer would have won. Firefly came third with 9.2% of the vote while poor old Dollhouse clearly isn’t loved by you as it had just 0.6% of the vote while ‘Other’ had the same.


This week’s new poll will be Were ITV Right To Axe The Bill?


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