Another day, another snow-day; parts of the UK are once again under several inches of snow which has caused schools, colleges and business to close and travel problems for commuters. Where this report is there’s more than six inches of snow on the ground but it’s now all bad because if you’re lucky enough to have the day off, thanks to the snow, then here’s a few ways to spend your day!
Read a Book
If you’re anything like me you have probably got a reading list longer than your arm and Christmas
certainly didn’t help matters with my list doubling in strength. So today is the perfect day to start on one of those books you’ve kept meaning to read but just put off and put off. Nothing beats a good book and nothing beats a good Agatha Christie book be it Miss Marple of Poirot, you can’t go wrong with either. If you want something a bit more contemporary and bit more “fucked up” then try Rules of Attraction by Brett Easton Ellis; it’s set in an American college during the 1980s and is narrated by various characters. It’s somewhat bleak but it’s an excellent look at people’s journeys through college.
Watch a DVD
As with books most people, me included, have a very long list of DVDs to get through. I don’t really do myself any favours as I’m always buying DVDS, maybe I’m addicted to buying them! Today would be
a good day to get that list down a little and watch some of those DVDS. I’ve already started and dug out my Howards’ Way box-set and sat down and shot through several episodes. You can’t beat a little bit of 1980’s drama with a very British style of approach to glamour and glitz. It’s rather like Dallas and Dynasty in which everyone schemes and plots, there’s a lot of business talk and a lot of people thinking they are well dressed but it’s clearly made on a much smaller budget – oh and it’s about Boats and not Oil. But that doesn’t stop Howard’s Way being dam good and it’s got a wonderful theme tune, it’s worth watching for that alone. If 1980’s power-drama isn’t your thing then maybe a bit of Upstairs, Downstairs, Doctor Who or Crossroads is?
Recorded Television
My Virgin Plus box is full of stuff I’ve recorded but have yet to watch so later on I shall be zapping
through it in order to free up some space. First on my list shall be Battlestar Galactica – I’m really enjoying this series and it’s the best Sci Fi show for a very long time. It’s a complete package of brilliant writing, acting, directing and effects and the final few episodes look set to be full of shocks and twists. I also have several episodes of The House of Elloit to get through – which is being repeated on UKTV History at the moment – and Whitechapel from Monday night.
Build a Snowman
Of course you could be traditional and go out and build a snowman. After all what better way is there to spend a snow-day than out in the snow and building a snowman? Or maybe having a snowball fight!