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EyeSpy: The Harlem Shake Simpsons Style

EyeSpy: The Harlem Shake Simpsons Style

Shake it down…

There are many versions online of the Harlem Shake, from groups of everyday people, work colleagues and university students to telly shows such as Deal or No Deal and This Morning getting in on the moves. However we’ve found the best, it’s the Homer Shake…

For those who don’t know the Harlem Shake is an Internet meme, Wiki say, which takes the form of a video of various groups of people performing a comedy sketch accompanied by a short excerpt from the song “Harlem Shake”. The form of the meme was established in a video uploaded on February 2nd by five teenagers from Queensland, Australia known on YouTube as The Sunny Coast Skate.

The video started a viral trend of people uploading their own “Harlem Shake” videos to YouTube. The videos start with one person dancing, usually wearing some form of headgear, while all around carry on as usual, then shortly after the whole room bursts into funky moves, often in fancy dress costume.

This however, is our favourite, its courtesy of FOX and The Simpsons.

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