In this modern world with 24 news stations and the internet constantly updating readers with the latest news you’d think the time it takes to report news would be quicker but seemingly that isn’t always the case.
In this modern world with 24 news stations and the internet constantly updating readers with the latest news you’d think the time it takes to report news would be quicker but seemingly that isn’t always the case. At ATV News Network we’re not always the fastest of bunnies but we do get the stories on the area’s we cover up as quickly as possible. Sometimes we are ahead of the pack; we were the first site to confirm the axe of Spooks Code 9 and one of the first to confirm the axing of Pushing Daisies.
However, we have never been weeks or even months late in reporting a news story but one media
outlet can’t claim that. Way back in October we reported on how the BBC Three sitcom Pulling had been axed and wasn’t returning for a third season, just a Christmas special. The news had been broken by Media Guardian and was quickly picked up by other media outlets, including ATV News Network. Our news story on the matter is dated October 2nd. Today, on December 8th, Digital Spy has finally caught wind of the axe and is reporting it. Only two months late. Maybe the new slogan for Digital Spy is “there’s no news like old news”
Read our original story here >>
Read the Digital Spy story here >>