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Moving On – The Test

Moving On – The Test

Moving On - The TestLoyalty and friendship is put to the test in the latest Moving On playing starring Hannah Gordon, Maggie Steed and the late Corin Redgrave.



Hannah GordonFor over 50 years Theresa has done everything for her best friend, Cyn; she has put her work, daughter and love life in second place to Cyn’s needs. Then Theresa meets Gabe who sweeps her off her feet and it seems as though Theresa finally has a second chance to be happy. However, Cyn and Gabe know each other from school and Cyn is jealous of Gabe’s relationship with Theresa. 

As Cyn fails her driving test for the fourth time she calls on her friend for support once more and in doing so tells Theresa that Gabe is a woman beater, but can she trust her friend’s words? Or has Cyn’s jealousy led her to make false accusations?

Moving On – The Test stars Hannah Gordon, Maggie Steed, Antony Bessick, Sam Power, Kimberly Slack, Louisa Eyo and the late Corin Regrave who passed away earlier this year.

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