We take a look at the string of shows that Upstairs, Downstairs inspired or those that tried to capture the same success as the LWT drama.
The Cedar Tree
Created by Alfred Shaughnessy who was the script editor, and also episode writer, on Upstairs,
Downstairs. Following the series finale of the drama in 1975 Shaughnessy developed The Cedar Tree for another ITV franchise, ATV. The Cedar Tree was a drama set ‘between the wars’ in Larkfield Manor which was owned by an Upper Middle Class family. While Upstairs, Downstairs was a prime-time drama with a relatively big budget The Cedar Tree by comparison was a daytime soap with a much smaller budget and far few location scenes than Upstairs, Downstairs. For example the series was named after a Tree that stood in the gardens of Larkfield Manor but this tree was never glimpsed expect in the drama’s opening titles and even then it was an animation.
However, despite its short comings the drama, like much of ATV’s output in the 1970s, was hugely popular with audiences and ran for three years. There were plans to revamp the show with more money to be spent on the series which would have meant location shooting and a move to prime-time but before these plans could be put into motion the series was cancelled by the new head of ATV’s drama department. Surprisingly it seems that all the episodes of the series still exist which is unusual given the nature of ATV’S junking policy in the 1970s.
The House of Eliott
The House of Eliott was created by actress Jean Marsh and Eileen Atkins who had also created the original premise for Upstairs, Downstairs. The two shows share a lot of similarities even if their settings are slightly different. The House of Eliott charters two sister’s attempts at establishing, and then keep running, their own fashion house in the sexiest and male dominated world of the 1920s. As the sisters struggle to establish themselves they have to deal with betrayal from within their own family and revelations about their deceased father and his affairs. The drama dealt with the aftermath of the Great War, as season five of Upstairs, Downstairs had touched upon, and the plight of the poor and the lack of education for them – as its predecessor had also touched upon.
The drama starred Stella Gonet and Louise Lombard in the title roles and ran for three years between 1991 and 1994 on BBC One. A fourth series was widely expected to be commissioned but the BBC cancelled the series unexpectedly. All three seasons have since been released on DVD and also repeated on the digital channel Yesterday.
The Palace
Short-lived ITV drama series from 2008 which focused on a fictional version of the British Royal Family and their servants. The 8 part series was The West Wing meets Dynasty with a mixture of politics, affairs, plotting and sex. Following the death of the King rebellious and womanising Prince Richard becomes the new King of England but it’s far from a smooth ride. He routinely clashes with the Prime Minister which results in the press accusing him of interfering in politics while his affair with the PM’s secretary could cause serious problems for him. Meanwhile his sister, Princess Eleanor, plots to overthrow him and the servants – well they are up to all kinds of mischief.
By focusing on both royalty and the servants the series typically was referred to as being inspired by Upstairs, Downstairs and was probably a connection the producers didn’t mind – after all the LWT drama was a huge success. Unfortunately The Palace was one of several dramas’ ITV launched with much fanfare in 2008 which failed to meet its rather high expectations and was not renewed following its run. However, despite low ratings the series was actually well written and had a stellar cast but was perhaps better suited to another channel.
New ITV drama
Oddly enough ITV has commissioned an Edwardian drama for next year which the broadcasters referred to as being similar to Upstairs, Downstairs. The new ITV Edwardian drama will be written by Julian Fellowes who wrote the award winning film Gosford Park. ITV has commissioned several episodes of the drama with the first episode due to run for 90 minutes. The drama will focus on the Crawley family and their servants – sound familiar? Of course the drama will air next year when Upstairs, Downstairs returns to television, coincidence? We don’t think so.