This week’s selection includes a video from a spoof of the original series of Star Trek. We thought it was quite apt to include as the new Star Trek film is doing quite well at the cinemas at the moment. Our story this week concerns the ghostly appearances of deceased former American President, Ronald Regan, to his wife Nancy.
Welcome back to Eye Spy! Yes it’s Friday so it must be time for another issue of Eye Spy…that’s just a wee hint that Eye Spy has changed days once more and is now to be found on Friday’s. To send in your suggestions for future issues of Eye Spy just email us, the address is at the bottom of the page.
Top You Tube Video!
Hands up who has seen the new Star Trek movie? Apart from a few continuity errors – we’re not really Trekkies, honest! – the film is quite good. While we might not be Trekkies, honest, it seems some of you are! This week’s video is a rather brilliant spoof, in the form of animation, based on the original series of Star Trek. See what you think and why not let us know? The email address is at the bottom of the page!
To view the video click here >>
Top Silly Story:
Our story this week concerns the former President of America, Ronald Regan. Now Ronald Regan passed away in 2004 but his wife Nancy is still having conversations with him. Now apparently Nancy believes that Ronald Regan’s ghost is appearing to her and talking to her. In the same way we imagine that God told George W. Bush, the most recent President, to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Isn’t America a wonderful place? God tells the President which countries to invade and dead ex-Presidents appear to their wives!
To view the video click here >>
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