We’ll it’s time to say goodbye to Eye Spy but only for a short while as we’ve reached the final regular issue of this year. Eye Spy will return with a new run of issues early in the New Year but before then, for the final time in 2008, here’s this week’s issue of Eye Spy. Just because Eye Spy is going away, for a while, don’t stop sending in your suggestions for You Tube videos and silly stories.
Top You Tube Video of the Week
This week’s video is a remix of Katy Perry’s annoying but catchy pop-song, I Kissed A Girl. Only this version is I Kissed A Boy and its probably bound to cause just as much outcry as the lesbian version of this song but do we care? No because we’re not ignorant homophobes that’s why.
Video Extra!
This week’s extra video is in the spirit of Christmas with a clip from a 1979 festive episode of Crossroads, the infamous soap. Here leading lady Meg Mortimer sings a little Christmas song and most of the cast join in. It’s wonderfully camp and something you wouldn’t get nowadays so sit back and enjoy!
Send all comments about the video/silly story, and suggestions for future Top Videos and Silly Stories to editor@atvnewsnetwork.co.uk today!