ATV TodayTM is operated by ATV Network® Limited. Here you will find useful contact information for ATV News editors and reporters.
Email Contact Information |
News Editor | Shaun Linden | Email Shaun |
Culture Editor | Doug Lambert | Email Doug |
Television and Radio Editor | Mike Watkins | Email Mike |
Lifestyle and UK Features Editor | Lynn Swift | Email Lynn |
Showbiz and Entertainment Editor | Ian Westhead | Email Ian |
Sports Media Editor | Callum Patterson | Email Callum |
Soap Opera Editor | Craig Thomas Cameron | Email Craig (From April 2025) |
Senior Reporters | ||
James Ryder | Email James | |
Michael Garrett | Email Michael | |
General Reporters | ||
Dominic Knight | Email Reporters | |
Neil Lang | ||
Vivian Summers | ||
Feature Writers |
Lifestyle / Fashion / Home / Misc | Liz Charlton | Email Liz |
Special Features / Nostalgic | Margaret Batey | Email Margaret |
Content Supplier | ||
Darren Gray | Email Darren |
Telephone Contact Information:
You can call the ATV Network switchboard to reach the ATV Today / Daily Nightly newsroom by calling 0844 884 8792 and selecting option 2.
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