ATV LIVE : Daybreak
As ITV’s new breakfast show goes live, ATV Today’s Shaun Linden is on hand
and with live updates. Click refresh on your browser to see the latest updates. Last update: 08:29
08:29 : Daybreakers brings us to the end of daybreak. They say goodbye and we end with a highlights of the mornings show.
08:25: The star interview is over, no doubt the interview will be played out across ITV News programmes today. Weather now with Lucy. We will be starting a new article for ATV Live : Lorraine
: Star interview this morning with Tony Blair, all smiles as per. Adrian opens the question on Gordon Brown…”kicking a man while he’s down”
08:02: Weather graphics remind me of Channel 4 weather. The final 30minutes of Daybreak, and probably the most important half as former PM Tony Blair joins them. Video of Tony being welcomed by political editor Sue Jameson. The days of Martin Frizzell greeting everyone assigned to history.
07:55: Oh it’s an actual segment, Something cool before the kids go to school. Something different i guess. Reminds me of when Eamonn and Fiona showed off the latest singing Santa Clause and Elfs. ‘Mini Driver’ drives the thing (sorry, i have no other word for it). Competition ALERT number 3. Entertainment Editor Kate Garraway on hand for latest showbiz news, a familiar presenting face if anyone just wakes up and turns on.
07:46: Live to Scotland correspondent as they talk about birthdays and babies and so on. Nice to see a mix of reports, i don’t recall seeing this in the first hour. Adrian and Christine do seem to be relaxed more. Something cool before the kids go to school on the big screen as lot’s of flashing lights upon a car thing – don’t ask as i have zero interest in cars.
07:42: Dr.Hillary on the sofa talking about diabetics
07:38: Tasmin reads their first news just in, breaking news, news alert – call it what you will. Although no special graphics for this. Live shot of Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, the shoddy school building report now, followed by tax rebates. To think there is only 40minutes left of Daybreak, then it’s Lorraine!
07:27: Elvis fills the sound and Daybreak screens as we come back from a break. Suspicious Minds continues to play as they talk. Adrian now introduces the viewers who have joined them to the scenes in London behind them. OXO Tower, other stock cubes are available he jokes. Oh, it’s 7.27 and the second competition reminder, although still, much better then GMTV’s offerings.
07:22: Adrian has to do a mini hurdle over Christine’s leg for the sports news. So far the show is flowing nicely, i don’t think i ever seen sports news after 7 on GMTV. Crew laughing at Adrian talking to Dan, press will probably say very One Show, but shows before that have done this….Big Breakfast anyone?
07:18: Local news at 7.15, so by that honouring we should have another update at 7.45. John Stapleton joined them on the sofa just before this, explaining about his story. American breakfast shows do this a lot. Another 5-a-Day, which is essentially the headlines this morning told in a different way.
07:13: Back to their first report on the Farepak collapse a few years ago. The reports seem to contain more content and the show so far appears more bulky, maybe due to their not being a competition reminder every 15minutes.
07:05 Sue Jameson on the sofa, the political editor talks more of the Tony Blair story. More plugs that the man himself is here later. 7.04 over to Tasmin and the rest of the morning news.
07:02: Hour one done, it’s 7am. Kate Garraway has joined them on the sofa, along with Dan and Lucy. This hour they lead with Tony Blair who is joining them for a live interview later. Glad they are running a different story at the top of the hour, so it does not become repetitive.
06:59: OMF
G A competition, what show would be complete without. Although this is the first mention of it. GM
TV was every 15minutes it felt. Oh…they have gone one step further with having the money in the studio. Although no topless model strolling along the beach reading the question.
06:57: Findus still sponsors the TV segment, TV Matters. Steve Hargrave here for a rundown of TV latest. Speaking off Derren Brown’s latest live tv show and Bouquet of Barbed Wired.
06:53: The commercials haven’t changed for years it feels. I can’t believe the final hour is nearly up! Back at 6.52 and the weather, live shot of the River Tyne.
06:47: A recap of the 5-a-day, the 5 things we need to know this morning. A story which usually grabs the attention of most, TAX. Phil Reay-Smith is live at Reading station.
06:44: Daybreakers now, as they rush over to the newswall, with the old News At Ten music and bongs over it. A sort of homage to “and finally” section i think, viewers can choose which story they want more on. Viewers can vote on their website and they will do a full report on it later. Coming up tax rebate, but another local news update. Who dares to say they don’t care about regional news!
06:41: A Daybreak exclusive on Wednesday from Grainne Seoige on Wednesday, but first Grainne talks of their exclusive access to Prince Charles regarding his START initiative.
06:36: A break at 6.35 which looked like a live shot of London as the Daybreak music played. Picture from the weather earlier this morning…
06:31: Live daybreak camera up in the north west on the big screen as we get the second Daybreak weather. Just before 6.30 Tasmin with a news summary.
06:26: Back at 6.24. Adrian walks over to Dan Lobb for the sport. He jokes he is to take 11 steps as he has a bet riding on it.
06:22: Almost 20 past six says Adrian as we come back from the local news. Now a 5-a-day run down. Now a report on shoddy school buildings. Next, sport with Dan, says caption on screen, incase you DARE to switch to the dark side. Edit: 6.23, our first commercial break!
0618: Look at the newspaper front pages, Dan Lobb reads the headlines of the back pages. News, Travel and Weather were you are. “Your daybreak headlines from the Anglia region”, or whichever region you are in (obviously). Local news appears to be taking Daybreak look.
06:14: 11 minutes gone, no major mess-ups says Adrian as the news update ends. Adrian and Christine now give us a tour of the studio, beginning with the studio clock. Dan Lobb has his own area, what i can only describe as a sports bubble. Lucy ready at the newswall for the weather, and round to Tasmin at her news bubble. 06:13 it’s the weather, Lucy has a selection of cameras from around the UK as the country awakes. Daybreak weather sponsor is Nestle cereals, same as GMTV i believe.
06:08: Tasmin provides us with the first round up of the news this morning from the news desk. They lead with the Wayne Rooney allegations. Studio looking nice as we visually see daybreak rise in front of our very eyes.
06:04: On ITV 1 and ITV HD it’s Daybreak…”Day is breaking behind us” says a smiley Christine. They say each others name, something they did on BBC’s One Show. They are joined on the sofas by Dan Lobb, Steve Hargrave and Lucy Verasamy , who talk briefly about what is to come in their respective areas of sport, showbiz and weather. Special correspondent John Stapleton leads their first report on Farepak customers left destitute by the companies collapse a few years ago.
05:57: Good morning ATV Today readers. Only 3 minutes to go.