Its summertime and Britain is currently a rather unappealing place with its un-elected Prime Minister holding onto power – despite the British voters telling him to get stuffed, add to that the hit-and-miss weather we decided to see if the grass is greener on the other side. Here at ATV we raided the expenses drawer and hopped into one of New Labour’s greatest loves – Europe. Follow our ATV Euroboy as he takes a tour of some of the countries in the European Union.

Hello from Stockholm!
The capital of Sweden and Scandinavia don’t you know?? LOL. We touched down in Sweden at 8am English time and all went well with the flight apart from a bumpy landing, which I’m told is perfectly normal. Although no one was allowed to eat any form of nuts on the flight as someone had a serve peanut allegy – why this meant no one else could eat nuts I’m not sure. We were hardly going to taunt her with a snickers bar! Or if you want to be really old, a marathon bar.
It took about an hour or more to get from the airport to Stockholm by bus and guess what – it’s raining. Yes seemingly it rains in other countries too! There was me thinking it was just little old England, and Wales, that got all the rain!
Once we arrived we spent an hour walking around trying to find the Hostel as Stockholm isn’t brilliant with street signs. In the end we started back more or less where we started – the bus station. Well we are five minutes from it. So a complete circuit isn’t a bad way to get some much needed exercise!
On the way in I spotted an Ikea I think we shall have to visit, you can’t come to Sweden and not visit an Ikea – it’s just against European Law! We have already visited a McDonalds, for lunch, and were relieved to find the staff there speak English! For some bizarre reason at School we learnt French and Italian, not Swedish, so the language barrier was a concern but as yet we’ve had no real problems.
Most likely my next update will be from Berlin in a few days time but I may find time tomorrow, and a free computer, to send another update.