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Your Favourite Doctor: The Results

Your Favourite Doctor: The Results

Doctor Who logoOur poll for last week asked you to pick your favourite Doctor ahead of Matt Smith’s debut as the 11th Doctor. Well you voted and perhaps some of you may be surprised by the results….we won’t spoil it for you by revealing who won on the front page but we will say it’s not necessarily who you think it is.


Last week we asked you to pick your favourite actor out of the 10 official actors who have portrayed the Doctor in Doctor Who so far. Now some of you will probably be Jon Pertweethinking now there was little point in asking that because the winner was obvious – David Tennant because all the youngsters would have voted for him. Well you were wrong because David Tennant wasn’t the winner. Who was you may be wondering? Well from very early on a surprising leader was Jon Pertwee who played the Doctor between 1970 and 1974 – a very fondly remembered era of the series with the ‘UNIT Family’, Roger Delgado’s portrayal of the Master and Caroline John, Katy Manning and Elisabeth Sladen playing companion to Pertwee’s Doctor. Now the battle for top spot in this week’s poll was between Jon Pertwee and David Tennant with each over taking the other at some point. However when the poll closed it was Jon Pertwee who was ahead with 28% of the vote.


In a surprising twist though David Tennant fell even further behind at the last minute and it was Jon Pertwee’s successor in Doctor Who who sneaked into second place at the last minute. With 22% of the vote Tom Baker narrowly claimed the second spot for himself. David Tenannt was third with 21% of the Tom Bakervote. In fourth place was Peter Davison – who was never that far behind Baker until the final hours – who had 9.8% of the vote. In fifth place was Patrick Troughton who had 5% of the vote. The actor who was the face of the Doctor for its re-launch in 2005, Christopher Eccleston, was in sixth place with 4.5% of the vote while the original Doctor, William Hartnell, had 2.8%. The last Doctor of the original series, Sylvester McCoy, was only narrowly behind with 2.2% of the vote while his predecessor Colin Baker had 1.3%. Paul McGann, whose solo television out in 1996, won him 1.1% of the vote. In bottom place was our “other” selection which had 0.6%. Now as none of you posted in our accompanying article just which “other” you had selected we can’t really say but possibles include Peter Cushing or Richard E Grant.


There won’t be a new poll for you to vote in this week but our poll will return shortly for a new season.

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