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Eye Spy 34: Runaway Scooter!

Eye Spy 34: Runaway Scooter!


UniversalThis week’s selection includes a Battlestar Galactica video – but obviously with a twist – and a story about another runaway scooter. Yes those pesky OAPS have been running a mock lately on these things with several stories in the press of the scooters supposedly running out of control and zooming off the OAPS to god knows where and we have another such story this week.


Welcome back to Eye Spy! Yes it’s Friday so it must be time for another issue of Eye Spy…that’s just a wee hint that Eye Spy has changed days once more and is now to be found on Friday’s. To send in your suggestions for future issues of Eye Spy just email us, the address is at the bottom of the page.


Top You Tube Video!


There are some opening titles which are truly iconic and go down in memory and Dallas is one of Dallasthem. But what happens when you put the Dallas style credits onto another show? Well this week’s video looks at just that as someone has mixed up Dallas with Battlestar Galactica. It works surprisingly well although we can’t help but feel that actually the Dallas/Battlestar Galactica mix would work even better with the original BSG series – after all that late 70s/80s feel would be perfectly at home with Lorene Greene and Dirk Benedict.


To view the video click here >>


[Of course it is possible that somewhere out there in the vastness of You Tube is a Dallas/Original BSG mesh-up so if you stumble upon it please email us the link!]


Top Silly Story:


Now lately there have been several stories in the press about OAPS who have been taken for a rider – on their scooter. Supposedly they didn’t want to go on the ride but the scooter decided to take them on one anyway. Yes folks the scooter took control and decided where it was going. It came to live and decided to go on a five mile detour along a motorway. Or not…what actually happens is the OAPs don’t pay any attention to the world around them and daydream. We know because we’ve nearly seen an OAP knocked down by a double-decker bus because the silly bugger just shot out in the road. Didn’t even blink when the bus shuddered a halt just in front of them and tooted its horn. So this week’s story is yet another case of Scooter Rage!

 To view the story click here >>  


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Don’t forget you can suggest future videos or stories, or even comment on this week’s selection, by emailing us. Please put “Eye Spy” in the title of your email and send it to:


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