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Overseas Premier League Rights about to be sold by club?

Overseas Premier League Rights about to be sold by club?

Liverpool Football Club have announced they want to lead overseas Barclay’s Premier League television rights to be sold on a club by club basis.

At the moment in the UK and Around the World rights are sold collectively but Liverpool want to take the model used by the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid in Spain  by selling their rights individually. In Spain the two giants have made massive amounts of money by doing this but their is vast criticisms as the rest of the league in Spain struggle to gain a significant amount of money through the tv rights their.

All this has been fuelled in Britain over the landmark rulling that British people can watch foregin Premier League matches via foreign decoder boxes.  The case was won by Karen Murphy, a Pub owner in Portsmouth.

Liverpool’s managing director, Ian Ayre believes the Premier League’s four biggest global –teams based on world fans Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal – deserve an increased share from 2013, with overseas broadcasting having a greater influence on who they choose to show as many overseas viewers are more likely to see the bigger clubs.

For the new club by club overseas rights agreement to happen it would require 14 of the Premier League’s 20 members to vote in favour of a new commercial arrangement. Notably Sir Alex Ferguson recently described the collective deal as “fair”, In light of recent developments this storyline may well rumble on.

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