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Weekly Poll: What do you think of Torchwood Miracle Day so far?

Weekly Poll: What do you think of Torchwood Miracle Day so far?

Torchwood Miracle Day{jcomments on}Okay so we’re only just three episodes into Torchwood: Miracle Day (or four if you’re in America) so it may be a little bit early to write it off or celebrate it is as a complete success but we’d still like to know what you think of the series – so far. That’s why it’s this week’s poll.

So we know some of you will never be happy that Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) was killed off in Children on Earth and hasn’t been resurrected – but don’t let that cloud your judgement of Miracle Day. We weren’t overly impressed when Tosh (Naoko Mori) was killed off at the end of season two but we still enjoyed Children of Earth. We want to know what you think of Torchwood: Miracle Day solely on its own merits/downfalls and not anything else.

Voting couldn’t be easier. The poll is located on the left side of our site. Simply select your choice and click vote – you will then be redirected to the results page. And as ever you can post your comments, on Torchwood, below.

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