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Majority of ATV Today readers approve of new Bold and the Beautiful titles

Majority of ATV Today readers approve of new Bold and the Beautiful titles

The Bold and the BeautifulA recent poll has found that the majority of ATV Today readers approve of the new opening titles introduced by CBS daytime soap The Bold and the Beautiful last month.

The Bold and the BeautifulAll week we’ve been asking our readers to vote on the new opening titles, introduced last month, by the CBS daytime soap The Bold and the Beautiful. The glossy new titles represent only the second  major overhaul of the soaps titles since its launch in 1987. The new titles are filmed in HD and use the latest state-of-the-art technology to create the impression of a fashion show.

Last week we asked our readers whether they liked the new titles or not – the majority did! 66.4% voted for yes,  they did like the new titles. 14.5% of readers voted that they liked the titles but not the new theme tune. 10.9% of our readers were undecided on the new titles while 8.2% didn’t like them.

ATV Today would like to thank everyone who voted in the poll.

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