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Find the Elf: Festive brain teaser challenge

Christmas & New Year

Find the Elf: Festive brain teaser challenge

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A little bit of fun for Boxing Day…

The stockings have been rummaged, the tree is glowing bright, and the remains of Christmas dinner should now be well eaten – but wait! There’s a sneaky little elf still causing mischief in this festive brainteaser.

Inspired by the festive cheer, Casinotop 3 has created a Christmas-themed puzzle to challenge ATV Today Christmas readers’ observation skills. Remember: our little elf could be anywhere, so grab a mug of hot chocolate put on your sharpest elf-spotting glasses and see if you can spot where he’s lurking.

The tricky puzzle challenges readers to spot the cheeky elf in this winter wonderland as quickly as possible – but be careful, this naughty little elf may have left some sneaky fakes around the snowy scene to confuse you – they won’t be making Santa’s nice list this year.

“According to Casinotop 3, it takes one minute on average to find the mischievous little elf – can you beat that?”Vivian Summers, ATV Today Christmas Elf spokesperson

The answer is on the next page

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