When it comes to laborious, mind-numbing daily tasks – cleaning the loo is the worst, according to a nationwide survey of British adults…
As many as 34 percent of those polled, cited getting the bleach and loo brush out as more depressing than queuing in a supermarket (32 percent) or washing up after a big meal (31 percent), which came second and third in the list.
Ironing (30 percent), being made to endure adverts in the middle of a film (29 percent) and vacuuming the entire house (27 percent) are also MIND-NUMBING things about modern life, according to the poll. In fact, as many as 94 percent of Brits would love to inject more FUN into their lives – according to new research by Bingo site, tombola.
Looking at someone else’s holiday photos fell under the most mundane things about modern life (16 percent), as did stacking the dishwasher (14 percent) and going to the depot to collect a missed parcel (12 percent). One in six (14 percent) LOATHE cleaning their car, while working out which day what bin goes out (11 percent), sending in meter readings (11 percent).
In contrast to popular belief that the country runs on tea, one in 20 (four percent) find making a cup of tea or coffee boring.
It’s no surprise that half (50 percent) want to inject more fun into our lives, with Brits believing that 54 percent of their life is full of tasks they’d rather not do, leaving just 46 percent for fun. Despite all the mundane tasks that life throws at them, almost half (45 percent) LOVE their lives, with one in four (27 percent) admitting they smile more now compared to three years ago – an average of 13 times a day.
Two thirds (63 percent) go a step further and say that one of the main purposes of life is to have fun and be happy.

tombola has launched its most recent campaign, Open for Fun, where they’ve partnered with TV personality Josie Gibson
tombola has launched its most recent campaign, Open for Fun, where they’ve partnered with TV personality Josie Gibson and dropped QR codes across the UK. Josie Gibson kicked off the search by dressing as a giant QR code and roamed the streets of London encouraging people to scan the code to reveal hundreds of free prizes.
James Boord, a spokesperson from tombola:
“The research reveals those times that feel like the gaps between the good stuff, like waiting in the checkout queue, assembling flat pack furniture and adverts in the middle of a film. Things we wish we didn’t have to do but are often part of the admin of life. We know that 20 percent of our users are playing tombola on the loo, so you could say we bring a bit of fun to a quiet moment. We wanted to spread fun with our latest campaign up and down the UK so keep an eye out for a QR code near you for a chance to win hundreds of prizes.”
The research also found that one in three (30 percent) feel overwhelmed by the number of tedious tasks they have to do a day, clocking up 11 tedious tasks every 24 hours. 32 percent admit that they put off some tasks until they can’t any longer, so much so that more than a third (34 percent) wish they could pay someone to come in and do dull tasks for them, paying as much as £420 a month for the help.
It’s no surprise that 47 percent would love to find quick and easy ways to inject fun into your life to help break up the day-to-day monotony, something that tombola is hoping to help with by hiding QR codes across the UK. Find one and open for fun. There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs.