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Have you ever wondered if you’ve lived a past life?


Have you ever wondered if you’ve lived a past life?

Hollywood publicist and author, Dan Harary, explores reincarnation through his latest novel…

An orphan living in 1860s London, Feival Vados, has been taken in by an ogre of a man after the young boy’s parents—famed Hungarian actors—perish in a mysterious fire. When ten-year-old Feival, nicknamed “Five,” is summoned to the deathbed of his charge, the heinous old man orders the young boy to become his sin-eater. What Five learns that day will change the course of his adult life, giving rise to a monstrous thirst that even his own death does not quench.

One hundred years later, young Boston native Billy Simon, a music prodigy, makes his way into Manhattan, where he is soon discovered. Through the machinations of his legendary talent agent, Billy quickly becomes a pop music superstar. However, after Billy’s beloved girlfriend is brutally murdered by one of his female fans, he is devastated to his core. Billy’s overwhelming sorrow leads him to commit a series of brutal murders, mysteriously connecting him to the late Feival Vados in ways the gifted singer/songwriter could never possibly come to understand.

“About 30 years ago, a very well known Hollywood psychic told me that I had been, in a past life, a ‘star in the Hungarian Theater in the 1870s!’ Because he was incredibly accurate with many other things about my life – as well as the lives of my closest friends – I took him at his word. Then in late 2023, I recalled that idea, and began to nurture it into the basis for a character for my new book, called FIVE. I wanted to write about THAT GUY, the ‘Dan who was a star in the Hungarian Theater in the 1870s’ to see what HIS LIFE would be all about, to describe HIS adventures, and to explore WHO that guy WAS! Thus was born my character, Feival Vados,” – Dan Harary

Not only did a psychic tell him about his possible past lives, but Dan also sought the help of an expert. “I had once undergone “regression hypnosis” about 20 years ago by a famous Los Angeles physician named Dr. Bruce Goldberg. I had attended a lecture Dr. Goldberg had given at the Conscious Life Expo in LA in the late 90’s, and he presented six case studies of young children – patients he had hypnotized, who had recalled, IN VIVID DETAIL, the names, time frames, and circumstances of THEIR PREVIOUS LIVES,”

This regression allowed Harary to get a real look into reincarnation as a possibility.

“When I was hypnotized by Dr. Goldberg, he “regressed” me, and while under hypnosis, I spoke of stories of me having been, in the past: a Roman soldier guarding the Coliseum; an Amish Farmer plowing his crops in Pennsylvania; an ancient Egyptian Priest inside a tomb at the base of the Great Pyramid; and a Cop in 1920’s New York City. Can I prove that I “was any of those people” from the past? No, of course not. But I found the whole idea of reincarnation and past lives simply fascinating.”

Dan took his experience and his professional career as a Hollywood publicist to the stars to craft the ultimate murder mystery meets reincarnation novella. “After I crafted my Feival Vados character, I wanted to “reincarnate him” into the modern era. Once I settled on the idea of bringing his soul back to life after 100 years, I developed the Billy Simon character – a modern day pop music star who, alas and unfortunately, has also inherited Feival’s propensity as a serial killer.”

Dan Harary’s “FIVE” is available from Amazon.

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