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Documentary looks at the murder of Louise Kam ‘the body in the bin’

Channel 5

Documentary looks at the murder of Louise Kam ‘the body in the bin’

The real crime is looked at this coming week by Channel 5…

What began as an audacious plot to defraud £5 million from unsuspecting 71-year-old mother and businesswoman Louise Kam ended in her brutal murder, after which her body was callously dumped in a wheelie bin on one of the killer’s driveways.

Kebab shop workers Kusai Al-Jundi and Mohamed El-Abboud tried to convince Louise to sign over her entire estate to them with the promise of a vast sum of cash from a wealthy overseas investor.

When this plan failed, the fraudsters-turned-killers strangled Louise with the cord from a hairdryer in a home she owned in North London. They then hid her body in a wheelie bin before posting callous TikTok videos “celebrating” Louise’s murder by dancing on her driveway just hours after her brutal killing.

The Body in the Bin, Channel 5, Thursday, August 29th at 9 pm

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