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Intense manual labour is Channel 4’s offering

Channel 4

Intense manual labour is Channel 4’s offering

Best on the Box choice for Monday, January 22nd…

As storm Isha batters the UK Channel 4 heads once more to sunnier shores with the third episode of the six-part series, Brit’s Down Under.

Intrepid young backpacking Brits head deep into the Australian Outback for some intense manual labour. Can they complete 88 days of labour and earn an extension to their working holiday visa?

In this episode, Jordon is packing pomegranates. Abbey and Elliot are at a citrus farm. Annise, T’uesday, Joanne and Lily are off fruit picking.

For the rest of the backpackers, there’s no paid work, and despite what they might think, that doesn’t mean a day off. Grant and Maeva run a tight ship and there are chores to be done – as well as looking after Ravioli the baby goat.

The novice workers at the jujube fruit farm do a gruelling 10-hour shift picking the spiky fruit, but the farmer claims they’re not hitting their quotas, prompting a walkout. Meanwhile, Naomi and Andy get to work on a 40,000-acre sheep farm and love the challenge.

And two of the group get flirty…

Brits Down Under, Channel 4, 10 pm

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