The adventure reality show Discovering Canary Islands, original content from Rakuten TV, returns for a second season, produced with the support of Turismo de Islas Canarias and with the collaboration of Initiative and Atlantia.
After the success of the first season, in which eight contestants of eight different nationalities competed for the first time in a reality show, Discovering Canary Islands returns to the beautiful Canary Islands for more action. Eight new contestants – each a well-known influencer – will commence a new search for the mythical island of San Borondon. Season two is packed with many new places and stories about the Wandering Island that appears and disappears in the Atlantic, always close to the Fortunate Islands.
As the contestants compete, the ‘explorers’ will embark on a fascinating journey through all the islands of the Canary archipelago, from La Graciosa to the mysterious San Borondon. On this journey, they will combine the competition with an immersion in the rich Canarian culture and history, discovering the mysteries of the ancient inhabitants and exploring legends and tales at each stop, starting in Lanzarote, passing through Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, La Palma and La Gomera and El Hierro.
Pilar Rubio returns to host the series, which explores the most incredible and surprising myths of the Canary Islands where the contestants will learn more about the local culture and traditions, as well as about themselves and each other. A voyage of discovery, devised and co-produced by Mediabrands Content Studio and Atlantia Media, and produced by Turismo de Islas Canarias, which, during six episodes, will be full of tests that champion the charms of the region to the viewers.
Discovering Canary Islands redefines adventure reality shows by being the first to bring together eight contestants from eight different countries. The show immerses participants and viewers in the local culture, using legends as a common thread. With eco-sustainable filming in the Canary Islands, featuring stunning locations on eight islands, the production has generated more than 400 hours of material to offer a family-friendly, fast-paced, and surprising reality show.
For Canary Islands Tourism, the series represents the continuation of an innovative strategy in the tourism promotion sector, that has allowed the archipelago to enter the entertainment industry. With Discovering Canary Islands, the public company of the Canary Islands Government has created an audiovisual asset made expressly for the brand and perfectly aligned with the latest trends in television consumption, which has earned it nine awards from national and international marketing and advertising professionals.
The new series premieres exclusively and free of charge on Rakuten TV on 26 January. Discovering Canary Islands will be added to the collection Rakuten Originals, which presents Rakuten TV’s original, exclusive and free content