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On this Day 1972: Telford New Town ‘leisure and recreational’ plans

On this Day

On this Day 1972: Telford New Town ‘leisure and recreational’ plans

OTD, November 23rd, 1972…

Peter Green reported on plans for leisure and recreational facilities in Telford’s new town.

Peter introduces the feature for ATV Today from Coalbrookdale at the site of the original iron smelting works. There are views of the Ironbridge with canoeists on the River Severn.

Peter interviewed Peter Bell at the Madeley Court Recreational Centre about the plans for an artificial ski slope and other recreational activities at the centre. Gerry Brook Taylor, Telford’s Director of Social Development stands next to a map and talks to the camera about planned facilities. There are also shots of people playing golf and a brief view of yachting.

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