Today in Erinsborough…
Toadie discovers Nell skipped school and begins to worry as his daughter fails to answer his calls. With the alarm raised amongst the Ramsay Street residents, JJ eventually reveals Nell’s whereabouts to Toadie.
Remi accepts a peace offering from Cara and the two begin to reconnect. However, when parenting JJ, their comments surrounding honesty and ‘thinking before doing’ flare up recent hurts. The couple’s argument spirals into an uncharacteristic, heated outburst from Remi, who later breaks the news to Cara that she hates feeling so angry with someone she loves and will be staying with her parents for a few days to try to clear her head.
Reece and Byron follow up their new lead on Krista. Whilst on the road, Reece considers being completely open with everyone about her search for Krista. At a backpackers’ hostel in Robinvale, the duo learn that Krista travelled through the area with two mystery persons. With this discovery, they inch closer to finding her.
Andrew, Toadie and Terese find Nell’s backpack and smashed phone in what they assume is Melanie’s dumpy house, leaving Toadie distraught. Having joined the search party, Haz and Holly later come across a dazed Nell in a park, accompanied by Melanie. Nell reveals that Melanie found her as she was leaving Melanie’s house to get help, and the two of them ventured away from the house, fearing Eden might return.
With Nell delivered back to Ramsay Street, Melanie and Toadie come face to face for the first time since she walked out on their marriage, determined to come clean, especially to an upset Toadie. Having realised at the park that they both know Eden, Melanie and Holly prepare to explain everything.
Neighbours, streaming from today on Freevee in the UK