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Hollyoaks Eurovision celebration with Sonia


Hollyoaks Eurovision celebration with Sonia

Radio DJ Scott Mills will also appear…

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Liverpool-located soap Hollyoaks will celebrate Eurovision this year by welcoming two extraordinary guests, Radio 2 presenter for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, Scott Mills and scouse singer Sonia, who represented the United Kingdom in Eurovision 1993.

A special Hollyoaks episode is set to air tomorrow featuring a Eurovision party at the local pub, The Dog, where Sonia performs her iconic hit, ‘Better the Devil You Know’. Scott Mills will be playing himself during this special episode, starring alongside Nick Pickard and Chelsee Healey. In the scenes, he asks local councilman Tony Hutchinson, and Goldie McQueen, for help in getting him to the Song Contest on time.

The soap also celebrated Liverpool this week by filming at its most iconic locations, the Liver Building, the Museum of Liverpool, and the Beatles statue.

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