In each episode of The Finish Line, hosted by Roman and assisted by Sarah, five contestants battle across a series of qualifiers and head-to-head races for the chance to win a cash prize. The aim of the game is simple – make it to the finish line before your rivals.
Roman Kemp:
“I’m so excited to be hosting The Finish Line, coming to BBC One later this year. I’m a huge fan of quiz shows and with this being my first time hosting one, I really can’t wait to get stuck in. I love that it’s a brand-new format but based on an iconic horse-racing fairground game. The show is set to be challenging and unpredictable; we know that viewers will be hooked!”
Currently filming in Belfast, Northern Ireland, contestants compete in quiz-fuelled races across a unique racetrack set. Knowledge equals speed in this exciting, fresh format from Potato. The more you know, the further you go.
Sarah Greene:
“This will be fantastic fun and so I am really looking forward to working with Roman on this new format. It’s all about high-energy, high-drama racing and quickfire questions, and I’ll be bringing my A-game to ensure that Roman and the contestants are kept on the straight and narrow.”