This autumn, the culturally iconic game show Jeopardy! is back and headed to ITV, hosted by Stephen Fry, the weekday entertainment show will provide nostalgia for fans of the format while introducing the family-friendly quiz show to a brand new audience.
TV Critic Vivian Summers:
“What next, some of ITV daytime’s long lost game shows for a revival? Chain Letters with Joey Essex? That would be hilarious for all the wrong reasons. Or how about Crosswits with Gemma Collins? Even funnier.”
The twenty-episode series of Jeopardy! will see contestants play to win, using their best general knowledge to win rounds and may continue amassing winnings… if they can stay on until the end. The reboot will allow participants to play an extra round compared to the original format, increasing the stakes for the players.
The American classic first appeared on our screens in the UK in the 1980s and now Stephen will bring a modern twist to the cult classic.
Stephen Fry:
“In the United States, Jeopardy! is a phenomenon like no other. Whenever I’m in America, I do my damnedest to catch it every weekday. The idea of hosting it here in the UK makes me dizzy with delight. Such a dedicated quizzing nation as ours will, I hope, welcome this uniquely beguiling and endlessly rewarding game.”
ITV Daytime recently had success with a revival of Lingo. Jeopardy! begins this Autumn on ITV1 & ITVX