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‘Sex-positive podcast’ returns for third series


‘Sex-positive podcast’ returns for third series

‘Sex-positive podcast’ returns for third series

Hold on to your poles; Strippers in the Attic, the sex-positive podcast that gives listeners a backstage insight into the lives of real strippers, is back with season three of the cult hit. Buffy and Heaven have a lot to celebrate in 2023, with an ever-growing audience meaning the podcast has topped the 100,000 downloads millstone and is still picking up pace.

Bringing audiences, the wisdom you can only glean from a duo with a combined 33 years spent dancing in strip clubs, Buffy and Heaven will – as ever – be delving into their past to discuss the most fascinating and scandalous tales from the club, and also talking about what they’ve learned from their work that they can apply to their own and their listener’s civilian lives.

From body confidence, to how to stand up for yourself. From the power of negotiation to understanding and communicating your boundaries. From realising that beauty is ridiculously subjective, and rejection is rarely personal – to the ultimate lesson in stepping out of your comfort zone. Working in a strip club can provide live lessons that can benefit everyone.

With our heroines at the core, Buffy and Heaven are also joined by a spread of special guests – predominantly working strippers – who offer their own valuable and often hilarious insight into a life less lived.

Episode one, which broadcasts on the 5th January 2023 tackles that yearly mantra – “New Year New You” as Buffy and Heaven discuss how the bombardment of messages willing you to focus on self-improvement after a Christmas of indulgence, has many toxic elements. And they look at how conversely, going the other way and extolling the “don’t change a thing, you’re perfect just as you are” mantra’s blind positivity, can be equally unrealistic and damaging, when most people do want to make genuine and positive progress in their lives.

Our hosts share the wisdom they’ve learned which has taught them that neither of these attitudes are healthy or realistic, and that the most productive and positive choices are made when you reject the extremes at either end of the spectrum, and embrace and focus on, enhancing the best bits of yourself that already exist. That’s the “old you”, the “real you” – because New Year won’t magically make you “new”, and nor should you want it to.

Stripping teaches you to ask yourself; What do I already do well? What brings me joy? What areas could I learn to be truly confident in? And rather than trying buying into the toxic negativity of trying to completely reinvent yourself, or the toxic positivity of being told to accept that you’re perfect the way you are, in this way you find balance, and learn to lock into the things about yourself that will genuinely increase your happiness and confidence.

Buffy and Heaven talk about how strippers really do come in all shapes and sizes. And how despite the sinister “Heroin Chic is Back” we’re currently seeing in newspaper headlines; sex work is certainly not just about being the thinnest or most “classically” beautiful. Even in a very standard strip club, different strippers will vary by a good five dress sizes, and often it’s the women who are curvier, who pull in the biggest tips.

Our heroines will tell you – in a strip club, it’s very rarely the most beautiful girls who make the most money, it’s the most confident, and the ones who know what angle works for them (be it Heaven’s “sex kitten” persona, or Buffy’s harsher “Destroyer of Dreams” identity). Each dancer does best when they find what works for them. And this is something that can be applied to life situations that go well beyond the strip club.

Future episode topics will revolve around the overarching theme of ‘why I love being a stripper’ which sees our gals delighting in the strange and sometimes enriching world of the strip club… focussing on the brilliant, mad, beautiful and mostly delightful woman who fill the dressing rooms.

They’ll chat about the highly specific erotic encounters where no-one’s getting laid but playing with the potential is the magic. They’ll visit stories of clients great and small and rude and kind and generous and dangerous and everything in between. They’ll go to Miami, Spain, California and East London, dance for gangsters, mugs and hustlers, interview the duo’s favourite fellow strippers, meet their fathers and possibly chat to a comedian or two.

All just a day at the office for our two favourite Strippers in the Attic. Season 3 of Strippers in the Attic is out on 5th of January. And you can catch up with season one right now at

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