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Typical adults spend nearly two weeks planning a holiday


Typical adults spend nearly two weeks planning a holiday

‘Vital’ steps include payment methods and budgets…

A poll of 2,000 holidaymakers found this time includes researching, compiling lists, booking, and talking about their trip – with 59 per cent agreeing budgeting is a ‘crucial’ step. On average, their planning to-do list includes 11 different tasks – including sorting out currency, organising travel insurance, and arranging the activities they want to do.

Other important steps for successfully planning a break include planning well in advance (40 per cent) and researching the destination beforehand (30 per cent). For 25 per cent, the research commissioned by M&S Bank found the holiday planning process starts months ahead of their break. Although 11 per cent will leave the bulk of their organisation until the week before.

And with 53 of per cent of holidaymakers preferring to travel outside of the summer period, it’s likely many of those polled are currently planning an off-season break.

Paul Stokes, from travel money and insurance provider, M&S Bank:

“It is fantastic to see that we are a nation of planners and we like to spend time to plan the perfect holiday, no matter the time of year. Doing your research in advance and making a budget for your holiday are both great ways to help your money go further and avoid any unnecessary spending.”

“In addition, it’s important that holidaymakers don’t put off buying travel insurance until they’re ready to go as it doesn’t just cover them for while they’re away, but from the moment they take it out.”

When planning holiday spending, steps deemed ‘vital’ include choosing what payment methods to use (47 per cent) and making a spending budget (45 per cent). While deciding how much travel money or currency to take (42 per cent) is also important. A quarter (26 per cent) purchase their currency a week in advance of their getaway, while 19 per cent tend to leave this to the day prior to departure.

The study found shopping (19 per cent), local cuisine (16 per cent), and history tours (15 per cent) are the top things those polled want to spend their money on when away. It also emerged that more than half (53 per cent) of holidaymakers like to have a holiday booked so they always have one to look forward to.

Nearly six in 10 (58 per cent) said there is an art to planning a holiday and, of those who feel this way, 91 per cent claim to have mastered it. Motivations for booking a break include fatigue (30 per cent), wanting to spend quality time with loved ones (28 per cent), and a desire to see more of the world (27 per cent).

And reasons those who prefer off-season breaks like them include, they’re ‘often cheaper’ (35 per cent), destinations are ‘less busy’ (32 per cent), and ‘great deals’ are usually available (30 per cent).

Paul Stokes, from travel money and insurance provider, M&S Bank:

“With many purchasing their currency a week in advance of their getaway, collecting currency at the same time as doing your final holiday shopping is an added time-saving convenience for many. While many locations will take card payments, it’s always advisable to take some cash too for things like taxis, tipping, and even a coffee or an ice cream, while you’re enjoying all the activities on offer.”

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