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Rownd a Rownd: It’s time for Barry to pay for his ways

Pick of the Plots

Rownd a Rownd: It’s time for Barry to pay for his ways

This week in Glanrafon…


Rhys has come up with the idea that it’s time for Barry to pay for mistreating people.

His hope is that Iolo will help him come up with a way of seeking revenge – but Iolo is determined that there is no point in doing so.

The 6th Form crew have more exciting things on their minds, and as Cai celebrates his birthday, the thought of having a party at the Iard shop is very appealing. Iestyn helps to arrange everything, but things don’t turn out as the crew had expected.

Mae Rhys wedi cael syniad i’w ben ei bod yn hen bryd i Barry ddioddef am gam-drin cymaint o bobl yn ddiweddar.

Ei obaith yw cael Iolo i ymuno hefo fo i feddwl am syniadau am sut i ddial – ond mae Iolo yn benderfynol nad oes diben tynnu’n groes.

Pethau difyrrach sy’n mynd â bryd criw’r chweched, a gan fod Cai yn dathlu, mae’r syniad o gynnal parti yn siop yr iard yn apelio’n fawr. Efo help Iestyn, mae popeth wedi ei drefnu ond dyw pethau ddim yn gweithio yn union fel byddai’r criw yn dymuno.

Rownd a Rownd, S4C, Tuesday and Thursday, 8.25 pm. English and Welsh subtitles.


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