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River City: Roisin is less than impressed with Bob’s banter

Pick of the Plots

River City: Roisin is less than impressed with Bob’s banter

This week in Shieldinch…

After revealing all to a stunned Andrew, Scarlett fears the worst. But when a glum Andrew arrives, Scarlett vows to be honest, despite her growing anxiety.

Andrew is stunned when Scarlett reveals Duncan’s deceit and the lengths he went to buy the O’Hara’s silence. As Scarlett talks, Andrew struggles to come to terms with the reality of who his father is and what he put Scarlett through. Together they realise the extent of Duncan’s manipulation and decide to confront him together.

Meanwhile, Bernie is entrusted with the task of keeping Stevie away from his mother – at all costs.

Caitlin excitedly tells Ellie that she’s set the wheels in motion for their surrogacy plans. As she makes pregnancy plans, Ellie feels left out. Ash senses something is wrong, and Ellie confesses that Caitlin’s enthusiasm is too much. When Ash recalls that Caitlin suffered from post-natal depression after the birth of Ruby, Ellie is worried that history might repeat itself and makes a bold decision.

When Bob seeks advice from Rebecca about his feelings for Roisin, she suggests that he asks her out for a friendly drink. But Roisin is less than impressed with Bob’s banter. As Lenny’s proof-of-life hunt for Lydia grows, Karen’s anxiety increases. Feeling under pressure, Karen considers confessing all to an oblivious Alex.

River City, BBC Scotland Channel, Mondays at 10 pm. Repeated on BBC One Scotland at 7 pm on Tuesdays.

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