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How many sexual partners have you had? The UK on average has ‘low figures’ research suggests…


How many sexual partners have you had? The UK on average has ‘low figures’ research suggests…

Researchers have been totting up the averages, and we’re either very good – or lying.

Globally, the number of sexually partners on average for men throughout a persons lifetime is nine, but how does this differ from country to country? Using 35 countries from all over the globe, the men’s mental health platform Manual has crunched the numbers to discover which countries have the most sexually active men throughout their lifetime.

Men in Turkey have the highest number of sexual partners, with 14.5 on average. This is followed by Australia with an average of 13.3 sexual partners.

New Zealand takes third place with 13.2 sexual partners on average. The USA has 10.7 while the UK has 9.8.

“While people in some countries prove to have more sexual partners than others, it is important not to compare yourself to these figures. Safe, consensual sex should always also be practised, and the number of sexual partners does not correlate with a man’s level of satisfaction with their sex life.” – Dr Earim Chaudry, Medical Director of Manual

The report also discovered revealed which countries lose their virginity earlier than others. 35 countries in total across the globe were used in the study. Iceland took the number one spot with an average of 15.6 years, followed by Denmark at 16.1 years and Sweden at 16.2.

The UK was one year above the global average at 18.3 years.

The full study:

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