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This week in Pobol y Cwm Fflam the dog goes missing

Pick of the Plots

This week in Pobol y Cwm Fflam the dog goes missing

The latest in the S4C serials…

Mathew finds it hard saying goodbye to another friend as the day arrives for DJ to leave. Meanwhile, Mark tries his best to help Garry out of financial difficulty by selling the e-bikes.

When Kelly disappears, Anita and Jason fear that she’s gone to see Mickey. Meanwhile, some bad news for Penrhewl when Fflam the dog goes missing. Will Mark succeed in pulling the wool over Eileen’s eyes when he tries to pass another dog off as Fflam.  Amanda arrives like a whirlwind to Bryntirion and Kelly wants to hear everything.

Pobol y Cwm, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8.00; S4C, English and Welsh subtitles
Omnibus on Sunday with on-screen English subtitles

Iestyn has found some information that may help him find Glen, his biological father… how will Carwyn and Gwenno react to the news? Arthur’s wrongdoings are finally brought to light and he has to work hard to try and get Iris to forgive him.

Mali feels guilty after leaving Caitlin to deal with the consequences at the chicken factory.

Philip is determined to find out what has been worrying Mathew since returning from the rehab clinic. It’s a big day for Dylan and Sophie as they head off to the hospital for their first scan.

Rownd a Rownd, S4C, every Tuesday and Thursday 8.25, S4C. English and Welsh subtitles.

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