Ruby Wax is plucking some of her televisual highs from the 1990s out of the BBC vaults.
Ruby Wax’s interviews in the 1990s were some of the most talked-about shows at the time. Before social media and breaking all conventions, Ruby revealed a totally different side to some of the biggest stars, and fallen stars, in the world. These sensational series have never been repeated and Ruby has never watched them back – until now.
With 25 years more wisdom – and an MA in Cognitive Therapy from Oxford – Ruby revisits these extraordinary encounters and re-evaluates fame and infamy and the end of the 20th century and today.
The series opens with one of Ruby’s last interviewees: Donald Trump. It’s an edge-of-the-seat encounter and an uncomfortable watch for Ruby, but quietly revelatory – as is her fascinating chat with Mr Trump’s then-girlfriend, model Melania Knauss.
Ruby walks us through the genesis of her boundary-busting celebrity interview technique, originating in her studio The Full Wax, which crossed genres and created a fearless new form of entertainment. As Ruby moved away from the studio and leaned into redefining interviews, we revisit early guests Carrie Fisher, Goldie Hawn and Tom Hanks.

When Ruby Wax Met… Donald Trump, Pamela Anderson, Tom Hanks and O.J Simpson.
For the finale is the central figure of the trial of the 20th century – the subject of many documentary series since – and even a dramatization that brought American police racism into the spotlight alongside a heinous and bloody murder: O.J.Simpson.
Ruby’s unrivalled access to the man himself produced a first-hand source that is still as compelling as its first screening – and as the story has unfolded since, proves fascinating viewing with Ruby’s contemporary take on events.
When the world of chat shows are discussed names such as Michael Parkinson, Russell Harty, Michael Aspel, Clive Anderson and Des O’Connor are brought to the fore, maybe after this series Ruby Wax will also once again be remembered as a chat show name worthy of a place in talk show history?
When Ruby Wax Met…. BBC Two, 22 August, 9 pm