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Extraordinary Twins continues on ITV


Extraordinary Twins continues on ITV

Best on the Box for July 1.

Narrated by Sheridan Smith, the second episode features three-year-old twins Callie and Carter from Idaho, who are fused from the chest down with two legs between them, and whose parents Nick and Chelsea Torres only have a few months left to decide whether to opt for separation.

They meet still-conjoined and now separated twins on their quest to make the best decision for their children. Cameras follow the work of leading British doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital as they try to separate conjoined twins over four nail-biting operations.

And the programme explores the extraordinary lives of the twins still joined together around the world, including Krista and Tatiana who share so much of their brains they can see out of each other’s eyes.

The Torres family also find out how 18-year-old twins Sohna and Mohna from Amritsar in India cope being joined together.

Extraordinary Twins, ITV, STV, UTV, 9 pm

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