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Scottish pets are the most pampered


Scottish pets are the most pampered

Scottish pet owners kiss their pets the most, the research discovered.

Economic, social, political, and environmental factors can lead to regional differences in the UK—the classic north-south divide that rocks the core of our very existence.

Like how northern people like stronger brews of tea, call lunch dinner and dinner tea and can handle bone-shaking cold weather. But have you ever thought about how we interact with our pets and how this can be influenced by where we live? Of course, we all love our pets, but how do we express it?

Scotland interacts with their pets the most, but according to research by Global Web Index, they’re the least interested in pets and pet concerns.

Scottish people are more likely to hug, kiss on lips or face, play with, watch TV with, read a book to, eat with, go for a walk with, and talk to their pets than any other region. Wales ranked highest for most likely to take their pet shopping and away on holiday, whereas people from the Midlands were the most likely to take their pet to visit friends and family.

Londoners were least likely to hug, kiss, play with, watch TV with, and eat with their pet. Maybe there really is a north-south divide when it comes to loving our pets too!

According to research, on behalf of Viovet, as well as providing tremendous emotional benefits, owning a pet can improve a person’s physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that having a pet reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, helps to prevent heart disease, and helps to fight depression. This isn’t surprising, given Lloyd’s Happiness Index ranked Scotland as a happier place than London. According to the Office for National Statistics, areas of Scotland consistently report high levels of personal well-being and lower levels of anxiety whereas areas in London persistently reporting low levels of personal well-being.

Is there a correlation between displaying physical affection and love to your pet with hugs and kisses?

Data resource: Dotson, M.J. and Hyatt, E.M., 2008. Understanding dog–human companionship. Journal of Business Research, 61(5), pp.457-466.

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