Since 2019, Crime+Investigation® has been working with UK domestic abuse charity Refuge to End Abuse Against Women.
Refuge saw an increase in demand to its National Domestic Abuse Helpline during lockdown which continues today.
“Many people still believe that domestic abuse is a private matter and many victims of domestic abuse feel isolated from friends or family due to their abusive partners, and feel like they have no one to talk to.
“That is why I’m championing the #HereForHer initiative to let those victims know there is a community of support available to them, even if they feel like they have nowhere to turn.’’ – Kym Marsh
A Crime+Investigation poll of 2,000 adults earlier this year found that 74% of Brits agree that there is a lack of awareness of the effects of domestic abuse in the UK Crime+Investigation® launched its End Abuse Against Women initiative in partnership with domestic abuse charity Refuge in November 2019.
The initiative focussed on educating and fundraising around the cause of domestic abuse and driving awareness of important life-saving support services that Refuge provides across the country. In light of the huge increase in demand for the Refuge helpline and emergency accommodation following the nationwide lockdown earlier this year, the second year of partnership with Refuge to End Abuse Against Women will see British actress and presenter Kym Marsh fronting #HereForHer, a Crime +Investigation’s campaign to support victims of domestic abuse.
‘’Domestic abuse is a crime and initiatives like Crime+Investigation’s #HereForHer are absolutely vital to raising much-needed awareness of an issue that has huge knock-on effects across society and raise much-needed funds to support the hugely important work Refuge do through their national Helpline and emergency services.” – Kym Marsh.
Domestic abuse is one of the biggest social issues affecting women and children in the UK today. In the UK alone, one in four women experience domestic abuse at some point in their life; two women are killed every week by a current or former partner in England and Wales alone.
The police receive a domestic abuse call every 30 seconds. Despite these alarming figures, a Crime+Investigation poll of 2,000 adults commissioned by the channel earlier this year has revealed that 74% of British respondents think that there is a lack of awareness of the effects of domestic abuse in the UK.
“Although the pandemic has brought to light the issue of domestic abuse like never before, education is still crucially important to help women identify the signs of abuse, escape violence, and rebuild a life for themselves and their children. Refuge continues to work around the clock to provide emotional and practical support to victims of domestic abuse.”
“Money donated to Refuge provides safe accommodation and professional advice to the victims of domestic violence. Just £10 could provide an Emergency Parcel which contains the necessities such as toiletries, food, and clothing to ensure that a woman escaping a life-threatening situation can have what they need for their first night in a refuge.” – Lisa King, Director of Communications and External Relations at Refuge