As Black History Month continues, it seems a fitting time to look at one of the issues still a concern in 2020, racism.
A recent survey indicates that at least 60% of parents with children aged 14 to 18 reported them being bullied online. Of course, racism comes in many forms, and there is no one simple answer in fighting back from it.
This issue has lead to one website publishing ‘A Practical Guide to Fighting Racism Online in 2020’.
The site notes that racism is a global social problem with increased public visibility in recent years due to the emergence of the Internet.
The feature aims to inform and provide tips in order to denounce racism in the main online platforms and social networks. There are useful links to blogs, podcasts and books as well as several other information points of help.
In the guide, readers can research the information that may be of use in working towards a more tolerant online society, that also may be of use in the real world too.
The Practical Guide to Fighting Racism Online in 2020 can be read here.