Beer Day Britain falls on the anniversary of the Magna Carta being sealed by King John of England on June 15th 1215 inside which there is a specific clause which states that it is a right for all people to “have your ale served in a standard measure throughout the kingdom”. In other words, if the King says go to the pub, we surely all should?!
“This year’s celebrations are going to be even bigger and better than our inaugural year with brewers, pub companies and retailers running activities across the country to celebrate beer. This year we have added a bit of fun to proceedings by creating an anthem to beer especially for the event. What better way to create some light hearted team spirit with your work mates than to download the song and join in the singing of the anthem at 7pm so we can all Cheers To Beer together!” – Jane Peyton, Instigator of Beer Day Britain
But not everyone is loving the celebrations. Over two thirds (70%) of UK employees work over 39 hours every week, yet a staggering 56% of them never go to the great British pub with their colleagues. The study commissioned by There’s A Beer For That, the campaign to reignite Britain’s love of beer, has also discovered that, despite spending more time with their co-workers than their partners during the working week, Brits are not likely to be found socialising in the pub with their workmates.
It appears that the opportunity to go out for post work drinks are more popular with men than women, with over half (54%) of UK men claiming to visit their local with associates at least once a week, compared to 35% of women who would do the same on a weekly basis. 18-24 year olds (22%) are the most likely to go to the pub with their colleagues more than once a week, whereas less than 1% of 45-54 year olds would visit their local with their colleagues this regularly.
The lack of socialising with colleagues in the pub seems to have a knock on effect on our interpersonal relationships at the office, with well over a third (39%) of British employees admitting they don’t even know the name of their Boss’ partner. In direct opposition to this, 87% of 25-34 year olds know their colleagues’ partners’ name, sports, hobbies and interests, claiming this is due to regularly visiting the pub with their workmates.
With all of this in mind, There’s A Beer For That have come up with an initiative to coincide with Beer Day Britain to inspire all bosses to encourage their employees down to their local pub after work on National Beer Day today to socialise and join in a ‘Cheers to Beer‘ celebration at 7pm. Employees are being supported by a campaign across social media encouraging workers to ask their bosses to take them to the pub on 15th June and buy them a drink.
“Our research has shown just how little we really know about the people we work with. It is such a simple thing to invest an hour getting to know your colleagues better in your local pub, which some have described as the original social network! We are sure the majority of workers in the UK would love their bosses to buy them a drink. It would be fantastic to see support for Beer Day Britain from bosses across the UK.” – David Cunningham of There’s A Beer For That
There may not be a lot of other news covered today here as we’re now off down the pub…