Last night’s schedules seemed to other something for everything in a rare evening when they was plenty on to watch from drama such as Lark Rise to Candleford to documentaries like Wonders of the Solar System. Why can’t we have more Sunday’s like this?
Dig out your copy of the Radio Times/TV Times and flick back to yesterday evening and just look at what was on – plenty! Plenty of good, interesting things to watch on an evening on every channel. Now that is a rare event these days; all too rare. Mostly the schedules are filed up with dross and repeats to pad out the evening but every once in a while comes a welcome rest-bite from that when television offers up something for everyone.
Drama wise BBC One offered up peroid drama Lark Rise to Candleford while ITV had African based Wild at Heart. Factual wise BBC One had Victoria: A Royal Love Story and Seven Ages of Britain while BBC Two had travel series Tropic of Cancer and space series Wonders of the Solar System. For those interested in politics and the forthcoming election ITV had an indepth interview between Sir Trevor McDonald and Tory party leader David Cameron. If entertainment is your thing then ITV had Dancing on Ice and Channel Four had Come Dine With Me.
That’s just the line up on four of the terresterial channels we haven’t even looked at Five or the digital channels but we’re sure there was plenty on offer there too. So it seems that Mothers Day equals quality television for at least one evening in a year…