Someone at ITV Granada has lost the plot, although it seems viewers of the show have longer memories than the production company would like.
Just as pretty much everyone predicted Michelle Connor [Kim Marsh] has forgotten all about her biological son in Coronation Street. Then again what was Corrie thinking of in the first place introducing a dodgy baby-swapping plot?
It hardly made riveting television, in fact often or not it made us switch channels, but the baby-swap plot in Corrie wasn’t really one they could just forget about and hope the viewers would too.
After all finding out that your son isn’t actually your son at all and somewhere out there is your real biological son is a life changing event. That is unless, of course, you life in Coronation Street in which case it’s all forgotten with after a few months.
Yes we’re talking about Corrie’s barmy baby-swap plot which has now all but been forgotten. Michelle [Kim Marsh] just doesn’t seem to care about her real son and Ryan’s real father, who practically stalked him at one stage, doesn’t seem bothered either. Of course that perfectly mirrors what would happen in real life…or not.
Of course whoever’s idea it was to introduce such a plot in the first place should never work in British soap again – the American market is more suited to such daft plots. However, the show at least have the conviction to carry it through.