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Editor Reports: Emmerdale’s New Dynasty

Editor Reports: Emmerdale’s New Dynasty

A new farming “dynasty” is heading to Emmerdale….hmm haven’t we heard that somewhere before? asks editor Doug Lambert in this edition of ATV Reports.

As you may have seen on ATV Today this week Emmerdale are introducing a brand new family to the dales of Yorkshire. The new clan will be farmers and are described in the press release as a “new dynasty”. Hmmm now we’ve heard that before…

Oh yes; when the soap introduced the Naylor characters then Series Producer Anita Turner heralded them as a “new dynasty” for the soap who would follow in the footsteps of the Sugdens. Not even a year on and the Naylor’s have been axed to be replaced by a “new dynasty”…the Barton’s!

Now I’m no expert in “Dynasties” but I’m pretty sure they are meant to last a little longer than a mere handful of months. So in light of the Naylor’s lasting even less time than a dodgy baby-swapping plot in Coronation Street, how long do you think it will be before the Barton’s are shown the door to make way for another “new dynasty”? Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.

ATV Today’s SoapWorld will of course keep up to date with any short term or long term dynasties in Emmerdale.

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