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Editor Reports: Corrie’s Christian Teenager needs a miracle

Editor Reports: Corrie’s Christian Teenager needs a miracle

Christians and Coronation Street what is the drama?

Yet another silly storyline in Coronation Street at the moment as the soap tries to introduce us to a new type of teenager; a nice, well behaved one but seemingly the only well behaved teenagers are Christians and if you aren’t a teenage Christian you’re obviously one of those out of control, tearaway teenagers.

Isn’t it nice to see Corrie showing us that not all teenagers are tearaways like David Platt or drop their knickers quicker than you can say Bethany [that would be Sarah Platt]. No some of them don’t have affairs with their school-teachers or neighbours [Rosie Webster, Katy Harris], don’t fake their own suicides [David Platt] and don’t smoke weed in a garden shed [Daryl Morton]. No some of them are Christians so obviously they are nice, innocent, well behaved, have good manners and wouldn’t say boo to the Holy Spirit.

Yes it seems on Coronation Street you are either a teenage nightmare or a Christian because only Christians are good people who don’t drive their parents round the bend with attention-seeking antics. Of course there is nothing in between on this spectrum and you can’t be good without being a Christian it seems. Then again Corrie hasn’t exactly got a good track record representing the many faces of youth. Remember when Rosie and Craig had their “goth” stage.

What are we talking about? Sophie Webster’s new found religion and a bunch of brats who are the only “positive” representations of youth producers can come up with but really I wouldn’t say they are positive more insulting.

By all means show that not all teenagers are out of control but don’t bring religion into it because then you are saying that people can’t have morals, or act responsibly, without religion and that, I’m afraid, is a complete load of balls.

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