ESPN UK today launched a brand new responsive website which the broadcaster says will bring fans sport content and coverage easily, quickly and intuitively across any device.
The site – ESPN.co.uk – has been built on completely new technology infrastructure engineered to deliver content at real-time speed. It delivers new features and functional design that enable it to serve fans with even more UK multi-sport news, coverage and video – from football, cricket, rugby, and Formula 1 to golf, boxing, tennis, the best of US sports and more. The April 1st launch date marks the 20th anniversary of ESPN’s first appearance on the World Wide Web.
“Digital media is more important than ever to fans and to ESPN, and this new platform for our sites and content will let us to do more than ever before to serve them globally, locally and personally. Through hard work, smart risk-taking and a consistent embrace of the internet and other emerging platforms and technologies ESPN has established and maintained a lasting leadership in an industry that changes, seemingly, by the week.” – John Kosner, executive vice president, ESPN Digital and Print Media
The UK site launches simultaneously with the American edition – ESPN.com. The company note the changes have been made to the website following feed back and research with sports fans and users of the old ESPN website.
Additionally, in the coming months ESPN have announced they will also introduce a personalisation engine to the UK site, giving users the choice of sports information they want to see when visiting the site. The re-launch of ESPN.co.uk and ESPN.com marks the 20th anniversary of ESPN’s debut on the web at www.ESPNSportsZone.com, through a collaboration with Starwave, on the 1st of April 1995.