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Editor Reports: Margaret Thatcher in Spitting Image

Editor Reports: Margaret Thatcher in Spitting Image

Its a latex celebration which was a Spitting Image of the real thing courtesy of Central Television and ITV back in the 1980s and early 90s.

To mark the release of Meryl Streep’s new film The Iron Lady our editor Doug Lamber present an Eye Spy special which pays tribute to another famous portrayal of Margaret Thatcher; the Spitting Image puppet.

In the 1980s when Thatcher was in power the Tory Prime Minister was regularly mocked in Central Television’s satirical comedy Spitting Image. Oh how I miss Spitting Image; what fun it would have had with the likes of Nick Clegg, David Cameron and Ed Miliband.

Below are three clips featuring the Maggie Thatcher Spitting Image puppet; two are music videos with the second made when she was forced out of office. The third clip is perhaps slightly more controversial and we’re quite sure the show wouldn’t get away with it today but it’s funny never-the-less and that is all that matters!

If that’s wetted your appetite for Spitting Image the first seven seasons are available to buy on DVD from Network DVD.

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