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World Book Night celebrated by ‘Bradford City of Culture’


World Book Night celebrated by ‘Bradford City of Culture’

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City of Culture Turns Page for World Book Night…

The Reading Agency is inviting the people of Bradford to join a mass ‘read-in’ to mark World Book Night on Wednesday April 23, with one thousand Quick Read books handed out to the public for free.

Taking place at 11.30am and during the lunch hour at one of the UK’s most beautiful book stores, The Wool Exchange Waterstones in Bradford, the public are invited to pick up their free book, put down their mobile phones, stop, and take a minute to enjoy their free Quick Read.

The public will be joined by one of 2025 Quick Reads authors – Abir Mukherjee – who will be enjoying the time given on World Book Night, an annual celebration of books and reading, to read as well as sign attendees Quick Reads.

Evidence shows that regular reading has far-reaching social impacts; improving health, wellbeing, life chances and social connections. Quick Reads are short, accessible books written by bestselling authors, designed to not only support under confident readers but also those who don’t feel that they have the time or the drive to pick up a book. The ‘read ins’ ambition is to inspire the nation to pick up a page turner and enjoy the transformative impact reading can have.

Adults who read for just 30 minutes a week are 20% more likely to report greater life satisfaction. However, only half (50%) of adults now read regularly, down from 58% in 2015, and 1 in 10 find reading difficult.

Karen Napier, CEO, The Reading Agency:

“We’re inviting anyone who is able to come along to Bradford Waterstones. Whether you’re a first-time reader or rediscovering a love of books, we hope this will be a spark for change.” 

Studies have shown that reading for pleasure enhances empathy and understanding. Those who read for pleasure also have higher levels of self-esteem, better sleeping patterns and more resilience. Non-readers are 28% more likely to report feelings of depression. Karen added: “Our Quick Reads initiative is now in its 19th year, and they are a fantastic way to entice reluctant and less confident readers to experience the benefits reading can bring, and hopefully hook them into a reading habit, thanks to the brilliant stories on offer from some of the UK’s leading bestselling authors at work today.” 

To date, Quick Reads has collaborated with over 30 publishers and produced over 140 titles since 2006, with over 5 million copies distributed, and over 6 million library loans.

Karen Napier, CEO, The Reading Agency:

“In the fast paced, digital world we live in, we often have to sift through lots of noise and distractions which can negatively impact on our mental health and wellbeing.  Reading can provide a mindful, focussed, and meaningful outlet. Considering the wide impacts reading can have, the hope is our Quick Reads campaign will prompt the nation to ask: What can reading do for me?” 

Each year for World Book Night, thousands of Quick Reads are handed out for free through libraries to community organisations across the UK, including food banks, homeless shelters, prisons, and workplaces. They will also be available in April for just £1 at retailers, such as supermarkets. The mass read-in is being supported by Bradford 2025 City of Culture. 

The free Quick Read books will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Shanaz Gulzar Creative Director of Bradford 2025:

“It’s an honour to host this important campaign in our UK City of Culture year. Reading should be accessible to everyone, whether English is a second language, literacy is a challenge, or life has simply made it difficult to maintain the habit. The written word is the foundation of so much of our culture, and ensuring more people can engage with it will have a far-reaching impact.” 

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