The little things can sometimes mean a lot…
Despite the cost-of-living crisis and depressing world events, Brits are keeping their chins up and appreciating the small things in life, from unexpectedly being cooked for (42 percent), to the sun coming out on a walk (41 percent). The research discovered the day-to-day things which give us a much-needed boost, with two thirds (62 percent) of those surveyed admitting that finding cash in an old wallet or purse is worthy of a mini fist pump.
Life Coach Selina Barker, who was involved in the study:
“In our fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the small wins and keep chasing after the next big thing. Shifting our focus to spot and celebrate the small daily wins in life can make a real difference. Flexing that ‘celebration’ muscle every day helps boost our mood, confidence – and motivates us to go after our goals.”
Speedy takeaway deliveries (27 percent) and choosing the fastest queue in the supermarket (32 percent) also came high in the list, while a quarter (26 percent) feel elated when hit every green light on route to their destination, while 24 percent said a small win for them, was the vending machine giving out an extra snack (24 percent).
On average, Brits experience 15 little wins a week –with women embracing positivity, more than men (73 percent said small moments can brighten their day, compared with just 61 percent of men). Other mini moments of joy, according to the 2,000 Brits surveyed include your boss telling you to take the afternoon off (31 percent) and getting a tax rebate (31 percent).
A quarter (28 percent) say you can’t beat the buzz from finishing work before a two-week holiday – or your suitcase appearing first on the airport baggage carousel (28 percent). Bank holidays, being brought tea in bed, being smiled at by an attractive stranger and a new outfit arriving promptly in time for your evening out, also made the list. The research, which was commissioned by Coca Cola, found small moments of joy help keep them motivated (61 percent) and boost their mood and confidence (48 percent).
More than three quarters (78 percent) believe that small wins become more important as we get older. A half (52 percent) like to share their joy with loved ones, so much so that 38 percent believe that mini wins are best celebrated together.
Life Coach Selina Barker:
“At first, shifting your mindset to notice these moments might feel tricky, but once you do, you’ll be surprised at how naturally you start to recognize and celebrate them. And how much you enjoy it.”
Brits best small wins
- Finding £20 in an old wallet or coat pocket – 62%
- Getting paid more than you thought – 45%
- Being unexpectedly cooked for – 42%
- The sun coming out during a walk – 41%
- A good hair day – 40%
- Finding a parking space straight away – 38%
- Choosing the fastest queue at the supermarket – 32%
- Your boss telling you to ‘have the afternoon off’ – 31%
- Getting a tax rebate – 31%
- An attractive stranger smiling at you – 28%
- Your baggage arriving quickly at baggage reclaim – 28%
- Finishing work before a two-week holiday – 28%
- Your takeaway arriving quickly and piping hot – 27%
- Being late and hitting every green light – 26%
- Reaching the bus stop JUST as the bus arrives – 26%
- Finding an ice cold can of your favourite drink in the fridge – 25%
- The vending machine giving you an extra treat – 24%
- Bank holiday weekends – 23%
- Being brought a cup of tea in bed – 23%
- A new outfit you ordered arriving in time for your night out – 16%